Remove any previous versions of BrewlAN, and anything BrewLAN related.
Place the brewlan.scd file into the gamedata folder. [Download the brewlan.scd here.]
Missing the brewlan.scd will cause missing textures for strategic icons, order buttons, and unit icons.
Place the contents of the 7Z mods folder into your mods folder. If there is no mods folder create one. Possible locations are:
"...SteamSteamAppscommonsupreme commander forged alliancemods".
"...Program FilesTHQGas Powered GamesSupreme Commander - Forged Alliancemods"
"...My DocumentsMy GamesGas Powered GamesSupreme Commander Forged Alliancemods"
If you don't have Sorian AI installed (FAF comes with Sorian AI) choose one of the following:
Install Sorian AI. [Download Sorian AI here.]
Or go to "...modsBrewLANhooklua" and delete "platoon.lua".