1) Unpack the mod manager save it to a folder on your pc, anywhere OUTSIDE of the folder your Dragon Age software is installed

2) Run Mod Manager

3) You will be prompted twice for file locations
3.1 ) First prompt asks you to find Dragon Age Inquisition EXE (usually under ProgramFiles(x86)/OriginGames/DragonAgeInquisition)
3.2) Second prompt asks you where your mod files are (they should all be unter a main "mod" folder.

4) Select patches to merge. Select the Bioware Patch (Should be under Patch.exe) if you have it. Then select the folder of your mod

5) You will be prompted one last time to chose where to put your merged patch. Select a new folder named "merged"

6) Start your game and have fun!

a) This mod manager works with English Windows. Not sure it will work with other languages

b) Any save done with the "merged" folder present wil not load if you delete the folder and don't put anything in it's place.

c) To uninstall just dlete the merged folder.

d) To uninstall and keep your saves done while the mod was active, you need another mod, or a "fake mod" ***