-To have the squared map, install the squared map option or use one that you prefer, for example, the squared map by XForceP :)
-To have the map on right + hide the original wanted stars and weapon icon, install the first hud.dat option.
-Check the .ini file/mod menu to see what options you can enabled/disable.
-To improve the BLACKOUT feature, modify the timecyc.dat with the info from the file "to edit timecyc.txt"
-You can reduce the BLACKOUT extra darkness in the self-generated .ini file of the mod.


Insert - Show mods menu
E - Hack targeted item (X: Left Bumper)
R - Toggle actual item hack options (for items with multiple options) (X: Button A)
R - Cancel camera hack (X: Button B)
Hold F close to a ped - Perform a "take down" attack (X: Button Y)
Hold T - Show "weapon wheel", tap to fast switch between armed/unarmed (X: Right Bumper)
Mouse scroll in weapon wheel - Change gun/item in selected slot (X: DPad left/right)

You can change the hotkey in the self-generated .ini file