Installation Procedure 1:
If you already have a gamedata installed, follow step 2. If not, follow step 1 :)

1. NON-modded stalker version:

If you've never used mods, go into your stalker dir, mine's

"C:Program Files (x86)THQS.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl"

And open up:"FSgame.ltx"

Change the first line to this:

"$game_data$ = false| true| $fs_root$| gamedata"

Now the game will use data from the "gamedata" folder, instead of the .db (.database) files :)

Now, copy parts 1,2,3 into your directory, i've set it all up. If it asks to overwrite the current gamedata folder, just do so :)

Installation Procedure 2:
If you already have a gamedata with textures in it, don't mind the fsgame.ltx switch.

Backup your original files and overwrite the 3 parts in the textures folder :)