Copy the ApachiiSkyHair.ESM, meshes and textures folder and paste it in your Data folder
and confirm to overwrite if you already have a meshes and textures folder there.
You don't over write or replace anything in your game, it just adds the new Apachii hairs.

To check if all the meshes are installed for version v1.5 - Right click on the folder apachii in
Data - meshes - actors - character - character assets - hair
choose properties. If everything is installed you should have
146 MB
380 files, 12 folders
To check if all the textures are installed for version v1.5 - Right click on the folder apachii in
Data - textures - actors - character - hair
choose properties. If everything is installed you should have
246 MB
110 files, 19 folders

- Remove ApachiiSkyHair.ESM from your Data folder
- Remove from Datameshesactorscharactercharacter assetshair the folder - apachii
- Remove from Datatexturesactorscharacterhair the folder - apachii