Download ENB version 102 Tatsudoshi
Extract to your Skyrim folder.
Download this mod.
Extract to skyrim folder.
If asked to replace any files, select yes.

Make sure you have this value set in your skyrimprefs.ini file :
To fix blocky shadows, see the notes at the bottom of this description.
Delete any custom sunglare textures from your textures folder. The file name is
Delete any other lighting mods that you have installed MANUALLY. Which means you have to go into the folders and delete their files, not just through NMM.

How to fix blocky shadows in Skyrim
Set shadow quality to medium in the game's launcher options.
Launch the game once and exit it.
Edit skyrimprefs.ini and add/change to the following values:


Setting to medium decreases the shadow distance. If you want to keep it that way, then that is fine as you get higher performance. But if you want to increase it then you can add to the following values:
fShadowDistance=xxxx.xxxx - The higher, the better. I suggest something like 3500 or 4000.