1. Manually download all the files you wish to install (NB : L'archive contient toutes les versions de l'armure).
2. Unpack the BLACK SACRAMENT ARMOR PACK MAIN FILE first, and merge data folder into your skyrim data folder (all the file paths in this pack are proprietary, so it will not overwrite any of your current mod files). Your skyrim data folder is located (usually): Steam/Steamapps/Common/Skyrim/Data
3. When prompted to merge, select yes.
4. When prompted to overwrite, select yes to all.
5. When upgrading versions, you may need to reinstall any optional files.
6. To install optional files, unpack zip files and drag Data folder into your Skyrim data folder.
7. When prompted to merge, select yes.
8. When prompted to overwrite, select yes to all.