- Extract BOTH the .ESM and .ESP to your Data folder and make sure they are BOTH checked in the DATA section of your Skyrim Launcher.

- MAKE SURE that everything is removed from the house, this entire zone will be GONE when you delete it, so make sure to remove everything first or it will be GONE.

- This modifies one of the barrels under the Breezehome Steps, empty it before installation.
- Those who used Breezehome Basement, remove everything from that basement before installing this (may not have to but just do it.)
- This DOES NOT work with Hillside installed.
- This DOES NOT work with Breezehome Basement installed.
- This SHOULD work with Riftrun installed.
- This SHOULD work with First Wing installed.
- Your Companion will NOT enter the Hideout with you (soon fixed.)
- My spelling IS indeed terrible.