Readme File:
AEM 4.51

Laser and Executor Patch

this mod adresses the laser lagginess and the executors and the MC 104 fleet problems

Features: all space lasers have had their size reduced 10% and speed increased by 25%
executor now comes with 16 fighters of each type and 3 lancer figates and 3 vsd2 s
MC 104 now comes with 16 fighters of each type and 3 anti fighters of each type just like the executor

Install instructions take the two XML s in the folder and place in C:Program FilesLucasArtsStar Wars Empire at WarGameDataModsAEMV4.5DataXML (this assumes that you installed the mod in the correct place as outlined in their readme) it askes you to replace said files say "yes but remember before doing any file editing BACK UP THE ORIGINALS!!!!!!!!!.

Uninstall remove said files and replace with originals

Credits Moddman and the AEM TEAM!!!!!!!!!!