It is highly recommended that you make a clean installation of the compilation. I personally put a lot of time into making sure the first initial default settings are as tolerable and user friendly as possible but only new users (or clean installations) would have noticed this; if you are an advanced user then use the Quick Installation method, otherwise you should use the Clean Installation method, both are explained below.

Clean Installation (Basic Users):
Use this method if you are new to mods and do not understand how mods work in World of Warcraft, this is the recommended procedure.
1. Exit the game

2. Delete all the contents of your ..World of WarcraftInterface folder

3. Make a Backup of your ..World of WarcraftWTF folder, you only need to do this if you want to have a backup of data from mods previously installed, for example Gatherer, Map Notes, etc.

4. Delete your ..World of WarcraftWTF folder

5. Delete your ..World of WarcraftWDB folder

6. Launch the game without any mods installed and log into the game with one of your characters

7. Exit the game

8. Extract all the files from the Insomniax Recompilation Zip file making sure to use folder names and point to your root World of Warcraft folder.

9. Launch the game

Quick Installation (Advanced Users):
Use this method if you have a good understanding of how mods work in World of Warcraft and can easily solve common mod conflict issues on your own.
1. Exit the game

2. Delete all the contents of your ..World of WarcraftInterface folder

3. Extract all the files from the Insomniax Recompilation Zip file making sure to use folder names and point to your root World of Warcraft folder.

4. Launch the game