MAP: wal-mart_v4_HE-2.bsp


This is an update to GEARs classic Wall-Mart_v4 map. It takes place in a shopping plaza anchored by a Wal-Mart, with a Subway, Bank, and other stores. There are multiple teleports on the level, all but 3 are shown by the floating colored sprites. For map description purposes, I will use Walmart as North, and the Bank as South.

1- Inside Garage..N.E. Side of map
2- Inside Wal-Marts Large Attic
3- On top of Walmart Roof, just behind large attic
4- On top of GEAR/Subway Roof, S.W. corner
5- Inside Subway
6- On top of bank Roof, S.E. corner
7- Middle Upper Shipping container (RPG location)